Monday, 17 November 2014

Khruu Sican: Thai Language

To me, she is the definition of grace. In the way she holds her posture, picks her clothes, conducts herself, goes about her job.

I learnt with her for just one month but she left an imprint on me that will last much longer.

She is teacher extraordinaire, passionate about helping you learn the language well.  She is thorough, yet sensitive. Graceful, yet fun (not slapstick fun). She tailors her questions to you effortlessly, helping you learn better.

She is thoughtful and good at the reading the unsaid. She in honest and unfraid to expose her vulnerabilities without trying to earn sympathy votes.

She is real. She is grace under pressure.

Friday, 14 November 2014

The Girl at Lumpini Park: Aerobics

Outwardly, she is a skinny Thai girl, just about 5 feet tall. Pretty much unremarkable in physical appearance. That is, until she comes alive every evening at 1720 at the Lumpini Park in Bangkok, one of the 6 leaders at the free street aerobics.

She is fast, she is strong, she is sporty, she is fun, she is unstoppable. I don’t think there is a moment in those 30 mins that both her heels rest simultaneously.

I always try to find a spot so that I can follow her lead. After several sessions, I start noticing that I am not alone in her fan club. Yet, she gives me a smile every time and seems to be encouraging me when I am faltering with my rhythm. In her own unique way.

Her movements are contagious. You can’t help but want to join in. To do it well. To do it better each time. To get into the rhythm and then get lost in it.

I don’t even know her name. I don’t even feel the need to.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Khruu Lek: Iyengar Yoga

She has the body of an eagle. Agile, strong, powerful.  Taut muscles, soft skin.  And a spirit to match.

When she demonstrates an asana, I find myself focusing on just her ankle or her metatarsals, or the proportions of her leg, or her arms, or the straightness of her back.

She is gentle, yet firm. She pushes me a little further in every class. I feel connected to her in some strange way.  I want to do better because I know she is watching. I don’t want her attention on me to go wasted.

Years ago, on a trip to the Lourve, I saw the “Nike of Samothrace” statue with the aid of an audio guide. The statue came alive for me. I must have stood transfixed for 20-30 minutes, lost in her beauty. And she didn’t even have a head.

Khruu Lek is the Nike of Samothrace.

Teachers In My Life

Growing up, I had this sense of lacking inspiring teachers. I went through schooling, graduation and post-graduation, with literally 2 teachers who left an imprint on me.  That’s pathetic, to go through more than 100 teachers and have just 2 touch your life in a meaningful way. Or maybe I am lucky that there were at least two?

Thankfully, the urge to learn has been stronger as I grow older. And I am finding the most amazing teachers in places one would usually not look. This series is a tribute to those phenomenal teachers.  Who push and inspire me to be better, stronger and, reach higher.