Thursday, 2 April 2015

Friends- here, there, everywhere

As we grow older, it can seem harder to make new friends. It certainly did to me.

Until I realised that it was my own limiting assumptions that was making it harder.

Ass#1 A friend is a person who you meet regularly and stays in the same city as you. 

I now take it as given that close friends will touch your life at certain points and then move away. But the friendship will stay alive, no what which part of the world (or beyond). You will always feel its warmth for it added something meaningful to your life.

Ass#2 A friend is a person of similar age group.

I am blessed to have bonds of friendship with people ranging from 6 year olds to 90 yrs old. It now feels like a tragic loss to only have friends of your own age. So much more fun and interesting to bond one-on-one with people across age groups.

Ass#3 A friend is a person.

In Bangkok, my earliest and closest friend is Lumpini Park. No matter what mood I enter the park in, when I step out, my mood is definitely better. Sometimes a mere 5%, sometimes a 100%. If that isn't friendship, what is?


I no longer find it hard to make new friends. My friends are spread across the world, across age-groups, inside human bodies and outside of them. I treasure my friendships and continue to make new ones.

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